Pubbets Puppetry Blog

5 Reasons to Give Your Child a Puppet

5 Reasons to Give Your Child a Puppet

Puppets offer endless opportunities for fun and learning. They make an excellent addition to any child's toy collection, and they will quickly become one of your family's favorite activities.

5 Reasons to Give Your Child a Puppet

Puppets offer endless opportunities for fun and learning. They make an excellent addition to any child's toy collection, and they will quickly become one of your family's favorite activities.

Using puppetry in your  classroom. Part 2: Choosing the right puppet for your classroom

Using puppetry in your classroom. Part 2: Choo...

Wherever you teach, I’m confident that you can use puppetry to enhance your classes, engage with your students on a whole new level - and most importantly, have a LOT...

Using puppetry in your classroom. Part 2: Choo...

Wherever you teach, I’m confident that you can use puppetry to enhance your classes, engage with your students on a whole new level - and most importantly, have a LOT...

Using puppetry in your  classroom. Part 1: Introduction to classroom puppetry

Using puppetry in your classroom. Part 1: Intr...

Kids learn very quickly from listening to and modelling language that they hear spontaneously, so use this to your advantage!

Using puppetry in your classroom. Part 1: Intr...

Kids learn very quickly from listening to and modelling language that they hear spontaneously, so use this to your advantage!

5 reasons to try puppetry in your classroom

5 reasons to try puppetry in your classroom

5 great reasons to try puppetry in your classroom - even if your lips move when the puppet speaks!

5 reasons to try puppetry in your classroom

5 great reasons to try puppetry in your classroom - even if your lips move when the puppet speaks!