Charity Update December 2021

Our first Pubbets Christmas Charity Project was great!. We auctioned off some custom professional puppets, and also had a charity raffle with Pubbet samples, prototypes and outfits available as prizes.

Thank you to everyone who got involved.

The money raised has been shared amongst the following projects:

I See I Do Charity

Facebook page

Kim Ny at the I See I Do charity project in Takeo Province, Cambodia put together a huge Christmas event which raised money to buy food and school supplies for over 400 kids!

It's been so amazing to see this school project grow from very humble beginnings back in 2018.

Our focus for 2022 is to improve the school building and hopefully build an entirely new wing, which will house vocational training facilities - such as a full working kitchen, workshops and English room/library.

For December 2021 we donated $250 which was used to help with the Christmas event and to cover general operational costs of the centre.

David and Noy had a big Christmas food drive which was a great success. They fed over 40 local families and donated clothing, food and hygiene products to the very needy local people.  

For December 2021 we sent USD$210  to their gofundme link

Ban Huai Lua School, Thailand

Facebook Page

We started supporting this school project in late 2021 and have been so impressed with the work that's being done with the students.

The teacher has incorporated vocational skills into the base curriculum, and the students spend time each day tending the school garden, harvesting food and then cooking for the school lunch program.

 First, we had to upgrade the school water system. The original system had been in use for decades, and had become a health hazard. 

My wife met the head teacher and two of the students in our local city, Nan in Thailand. Pubbets donated $500, paid for two water tanks and also bought cooking supplies for the school Christmas party and lunch program.
Eating snacks and other packaged food is part of life for most of us, but the concept of 'party food' is very new to the local kids who are living a very traditional lifestyle, with many living well below the poverty line.
We also helped the teacher to buy an outdoor sound system, which will make school events much better. It can also be used for recreational events too - like the first Christmas party!
We will continue to help this small school project, and the plan for 2022 is to upgrade the school kitchen, shown below.

Hand 2 Hand Foundation, Thailand

Facebook page

We donated $200 to the foundation. This money will be used across their projects - including the kindergarten, prison visit, community garden and student sponsorships.


Hands of God Charity, Philippines

Facebook page

Pubbets donated $200 for the Christmas fundraiser. 

This money was then distributed to kids with high support needs and their families. 

They sent some photos to say thank you and I think you'll agree that this is a great charity to continue supporting.


Please like our Facebook here for the latest updates!

Thank you to everyone who has bought a Pubbet puppet or any of our other products. 10% of all profit goes to our charity work and we're making real and positive changes in the lives of so many disadvantaged kids.

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