
The Power of Puppets: Exploring Humor in Neurodivergent Therapy

The Power of Puppets: Exploring Humor in Neurod...

Traits often associated with autism, such as social anxiety, literal thinking, and inflexibility, can open up different possibilities of being funny, rather than being barriers to humor. Whether it's through comedy workshops, puppetry, or other creative...

The Power of Puppets: Exploring Humor in Neurod...

Traits often associated with autism, such as social anxiety, literal thinking, and inflexibility, can open up different possibilities of being funny, rather than being barriers to humor. Whether it's through comedy workshops, puppetry, or other creative...

Charity Update - October 2022

Charity Update - October 2022

We donated $485 to the following charities in October 2022. Hands of God Charity, Philippines Facebook page $100 general donation was made for October 2022. This was distributed to clients in...

Charity Update - October 2022

We donated $485 to the following charities in October 2022. Hands of God Charity, Philippines Facebook page $100 general donation was made for October 2022. This was distributed to clients in...

Charity Update September 2022

Charity Update September 2022

We donated $324 to the following charities in September 2022.

Charity Update September 2022

We donated $324 to the following charities in September 2022.

Charity Update August 2022

Charity Update August 2022

We donated USD$443 to the following charities in August 2022.

Charity Update August 2022

We donated USD$443 to the following charities in August 2022.

Charity Update July 2022

Charity Update July 2022

We were very busy in July with our Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for the new Pubbets Lab project. Our charity work continued throughout July and the following donations were made to our charity...

Charity Update July 2022

We were very busy in July with our Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for the new Pubbets Lab project. Our charity work continued throughout July and the following donations were made to our charity...

Charity Update June 2022

Charity Update June 2022

Sales of our monster and half-body puppets were great in May-June. I also continued to create custom puppets which have been doing very well recently!

Charity Update June 2022

Sales of our monster and half-body puppets were great in May-June. I also continued to create custom puppets which have been doing very well recently!