Charity Update February 2022

Our Facebook ad account was disabled for almost 3 weeks in January, which made a big impact on our sales. Thankfully the review found that there were no issues and our ads were started again toward the end of January.

Profit from 16 January through to 15 February was $835.68 and 10% ($83.57) was distributed to the following projects, along with a little extra from my own income and a generous $50 donation from Jason S, USA.

David and Noy care deeply about the kids that show up each day to learn English in their small classroom. The village is plagued with issues related to poverty and the local children had nowhere safe to play.

That's until now!

The students can now play sport, exercise and play in a safe area just for them!

We donated $50 towards this project

Ban Huai Lua School, Thailand

Facebook Page

Our sponsor school in Nan province continues to thrive after we helped them to upgrade the kitchen and water system. I love seeing the vocational and 'hands on' subjects that the teacher shares with the students, such as farming, cooking and basic building projects.

In February the students prepared, cooked and packaged up stewed eggs which they took to the nearby village and sold to residents.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all school students could learn real-life skills like this?

The water system that we installed for the school in December is working well and we continue to sponsor the school lunch program.

Hand 2 Hand Foundation, Thailand

Facebook page

Our Pubbets arrived! Look at these smiles.

Sadly, covid-19 affected the centre and they had to close down for 2 weeks to make sure everyone was safe. The kindy still operated but the other charity programs had to be paused.

I'm hoping to visit the team soon and do some puppetry training and visit the students.

Hands of God Charity, Philippines

Facebook page

Pubbets donated $50 to this wonderful charity that supports children battling a range of life-threatening illnesses.

We will continue supporting this important work throughout 2022 and beyond.

I See I Do Charity

Facebook page

Kim Ny at the I See I Do charity project in Takeo Province, Cambodia has been busy upgrading the school classroom by raising the roof and improving the walls. This will keep the classroom cooler and also stop the flooding that happens regularly.

Jason S from USA donated $50 which I have passed to Kim via Western Union. Thank you, Jason! 

Please like our Pubbets Facebook page here for the latest updates!

Thank you to everyone who has bought a Pubbet puppet or any of our other products. 10% of all profit goes to our charity work and we're making real and positive changes in the lives of so many disadvantaged kids.

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