Charity Update January 2022

December was our first full retail Christmas season at Pubbets, and sales were a little lower than we had hoped. Looking back, we have learned some lessons and will scale back the marketing next year as most people have their online shopping done well before Christmas rolls around.

Profit from 16 December through to 15 January was $1290.38 and 10% ($129) was distributed to the following projects, along with a little extra from my own income.


David and Noy have continued running free classes at their school and more and more students are showing up to learn each day. They’ve had to divide the kids into two groups to make the lessons more suitable for their ability level.

Their next goal is to create a school playground area so the students can play basketball and have a safe place to play before and after lessons.

For December 2021 we sent USD$50  to their gofundme link

Ban Huai Lua School, Thailand

Facebook Page

The students have been doing some school upgrades including making new signs. They do it all themselves and this helps build pride in their school, as well as teaching them important skills.

its unusually cold in this region of Thailand during December and January, so the students got new clothes, blankets and bags.

The water system that we installed for the school in December is working well and we continue to sponsor the school lunch program.

Hand 2 Hand Foundation, Thailand

Facebook page

Margaret is back in Thailand and we’ve sent another batch of Pubbet puppets to their kindergarten after the first order disappeared in transit. As soon as the puppets arrive I will visit their centre and give some puppetry training to the volunteer staff.

Hands of God Charity, Philippines

Facebook page

Pubbets donated $50 for an emergency appeal for help. The money went to a girl living with cerebral palsy and was suffering from malnutrition. She is now getting better care and we will continue supporting this charity throughout 2022 and beyond.


Please like our Facebook here for the latest updates!

Thank you to everyone who has bought a Pubbet puppet or any of our other products. 10% of all profit goes to our charity work and we're making real and positive changes in the lives of so many disadvantaged kids.

Hopefully sales will pick up this month so we can make bigger contributions in February! 

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