I’m humbled and amazed by this very special guy.

Kim has devoted his life to helping disadvantaged people; whether they’re orphans, people trapped in poverty, people living with disabilities or the elderly.
Kim has devoted his life to helping disadvantaged people; whether they’re orphans, people trapped in poverty, people living with disabilities or the elderly.

We originally planned a full program of workshops and training for his senior students during my stay, but the corona virus outbreak has forced us to postpone this plan till later in the year.
We originally planned a full program of workshops and training for his senior students during my stay, but the corona virus outbreak has forced us to postpone this plan till later in the year.

We recently raised $418 through a special campaign. I gave Kim $75 tonight to buy emergency food and medical supplies, and the rest of the money will go towards computer hardware for their computer studies program.

Kim told me that the locals jokingly referred to his school as the ‘girls school’ because the local boys would rather play or go to the city to find work.
However, since he setup a basic computer studies program there’s been a dramatic increase in the number of male students. With our help he’ll be able to add more computers to their school and build the computer studies program.

We also talked about setting up a satellite internet connection so I can coordinate volunteer online classes for the students.
Ongoing student scholarships are also planned, and I’ll be working on a system to coordinate that in the next few weeks. Just $10 a week can provide the financial support to keep these vulnerable kids in school, and that would provide everything; from their school uniforms to food for their family so they aren’t forced to go out to raise money each day

This was one of those life-affirming moments and I’m so glad that we were able to meet today! It’s made this whole trip worthwhile and it’s motivated me to continue building Pubbets into the future.